
HamiltonSFA is a client server application and consists of two parts of Frontend and Backend.

Frontend - the client application and ultra light database contains customer information (contact addresses, contact persons, activities with customers, invoices, paid / unpaid ...), product data (detailed information, multiple barcodes, packaging, pricing, discounts for different different customers, related purchase ...), route and planned activities, market research (monitoring of distribution, pricing, competition ...) ... Field sales representatives can make an order, fill out forms, keep records on the return packaging or neisprevne goods, a record of promotional material or equipment (which gives its customers to use) ... On the frontend only information related to a particular salesman, his only customers, but a group of products that it sells, daily routes, messages and so on. Frontend uses different types of mobile devices (palm, pda, laptop ...) and different OS (PalmOS, PocketPC, windows ...).

Backend - server application and the database contains import and export tools, tools for document processing, receiving and processing orders, manage inventory, create reports. Backend can be interfaced with any platform (windows, linux ...) and with all ERP, CRM systems such as SAP, Navision, MFG / PRO and solutions of local companies.