BMMSoft EDMT Server

BMMSoft EDMT (Email, Document, Multimedia, Tranasction) Server allows simultaneous storage, categorization and analysis of structured (SQL) and unstructured data (email, electronic documents, electronic faxes, audio, video, images ...).

BMMSoft EDMT Server enables online real-time analysis of unstructured data, which then, together with SQL transactions, classified according to set criteria and writes in UDW (Universal Data Warehouse). The analysis thereby impairs normal functioning of the system components or require significant changes to the existing architecture. Since the BMMSoft EDMT Server-based Data Warehouse architecture enables storing large amounts of data. It also allows quick search by any number of dimensions, easy and effective notification forms, laws, trends (Data Mining). Represents a possible solution to Disaster Recovery data.

Automatic classification is supported by clients, stakeholders, projects, areas of interest, keyword, and the like. In addition BMMSoft EDMT Server is easily integrated with existing solutions company without requiring that the significant changes in the architecture and mode. Implementation BMMSoft EDMT Server can be done within one to seven days.

In this way BMMSoft EDMT Server offers active mail archives that are simple yet can be processed with standard SQL queries, and the right tools for report generation.